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Mila Air Purifier Replacement Filters

Here are Mila-made and 3rd party replacement filters.

Sure, catchy names, but… it’s a good system.

It’s just different HEPA levels with optional carbon content for odors and VOC’s.

(Want the covering dust sock? Get it with the Critter Cuddler OR from the Monster link below).

My full review of the Best Air Purifiers on the market.

The Mila filter names? Clever marketing, but it is also a good system.

A couple of budget third-party filters are at the bottom.

Just decide what’s best, based on price.


If you run it on low most days, you’ll need a filter change 2x per year. Not bad.

All these grab dust, pollution, pet dander and then what’s listed.

Most expensive first:

  1. Overreactor. H14 with 1.4 lbs. carbon. About a hundred dollars. Removes VOCs, formaldehyde.
  2. Home Wrecker. H12, almost 2 lbs carbon that targets formaldehyde (normal household pollutants). Also filters VOCs, odors.
  3. Mama-to-Be. H14, 0.70 lb carbon, for VOCs, formaldehyde, odors.
  4. Critter Cuddler.  H13, 0.84 lb carbon that targets pet odors e.g. ammonia. Also for smoke, allergens.
  5. Rookie Parent. H12, 0.70 lb carbon, targets allergens, odors, VOCs.
  6. Big Sneeze. H13, no carbon: focus is on allergies, but also for smoke, allergens.
  7. Basic Breather. H12, no carbon. Probably the best value for basic safety.  For smoke, allergens.
Budget third-party filters

Less expensive but have mixed reviews. I would give them a try for the money. (and the Monster outer “sock”:

Monster’s version. H13. No carbon. Comes with an optional ‘sock’ that is like a prefilter for dust. It’s washable and seems like it’s well worth the money to extend the life of your filter. See it here.

G6 Wellness for Mila. H13. Some carbon, but they won’t tell you how much. Probably not very much. See it here.

Replacing the filters is not something you do on a time schedule, so ignore other websites telling you that. If you don’t run it much, the filters will last and last.

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